Thursday, February 9, 2012

Favorite Positions**

So you know how you toss and turn and can't find that perfect position to sleep in?  You want that feeling of "aaahhhh" as you sink into your pillow, your bones settling for a long rest and your mind drifting into neverland.  That doesn't happen very much to me.  Apparently certain members of my family can pretty much sleep anywhere and in any position.

Writing a novel is kinda like finding the perfect position.  Sometimes you have to try a few out until you find the best one.  Or maybe you get it on the first try, and write the perfect novel the way my husband and daughter fall asleep in 5 minutes flat.

It doesn't really matter how you get there.  Whether you write 10 books, or 1, if you keep at it, you'll find that perfect position.

And when you do, you just know.  Everything settles in perfectly, every page feels like egyptian cotton, and your plot is like the perfect blend of memory foam and pillow-top.  

Tell me, have you found your favorite position?  Or are you still tossing and turning?

**Haha, fooled you!  You totally thought I was going to talk about the other kind of *ahem* "positions".  Seriously people, get your heads out of the gutter, Jeesh! 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kids and animals can be comfortable sleeping on their heads!
Finding the comfortable flow - that's the key.

Jessica Bell said...

Nope. Not tossing and turning! But boy did I do way too much of it before I found my perfect position! :o) Head in the gutter? Nah ... ;)

Colene Murphy said...

Hahaha! I hate how hubs can fall asleep in, like, 2 seconds. I'll be talking to him one second, stop talking, and he's asleep. Jealous. ANYWAY, I have NOT found the perfect writing way, BUT I kinda like trying new things each book!

Laurel Garver said...

I have a feeling that if I did find that "perfect position" with writing, I'd get bored with it. But it is an interesting analogy.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

As a rare blood courier, exhaustion causes any position where my hits the pillow my favorite! Thanks for visiting my blog today! Roland

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness, these pictures are too cute! I wish I could fall asleep that easily. :) Great analogy!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love this post! I'm still tossing and turning, but I'm more comfortable than I was in the beginning. The oddest places and ways to fall asleep are always the winners. ;)

Lola Sharp said...

Dude, true story, dogs and cats sleep in the weirdest, most uncomfortable looking positions.

AND, that blanket in the first picture, my daughter has that exact blanket too, and even though she's 15, she's wrapped in it all the time...including RIGHT NOW. (I don;t recall where I bought it, but she drags it around with her all over the house and I've washed a million times for several years now and it's still going strong.)

I hope you are feeling well. :)


alexia said...

Love that title! And yes, I was totally in the gutter :) I've found my perfect position with my current novel. But for me it takes time to get used to different voices for different novels, so I didn't think I'm set forever, just for this story. Her voice just comes very naturally to me.

Michelle Merrill said...

It's definitely all about finding the right position :)

And I just saw on Golden Eagle's blog that you're expecting? Did you know I am too? One word. Awesome :) My little one will be here in about seven weeks. Definitely takes the brain power doesn't it?

Good luck with everything!

Talli Roland said...

Aw! Love the photos!

It seems to be different for every novel, for me. Boooo! I wish I could find one comfy position and just stick with it.

Ellie Garratt said...

Awesome analogy and cure pictures. Me? I'm still trying to find the position that works. One day . . .

Golden Eagle said...

Love the pictures. :)

Right now I'm still tossing and turning with my project. But things are slowly beginning to slide into place--like that moment as you're falling asleep were you can feel your body start to relax.

Jennie Bailey said...

Those pictures rocked -- Sooner's is particularly hilarious. Erik can fall asleep in 5 minutes too. It's not fair. Why can't we do that??? Great analogy!

Unknown said...

Lol! I LOVE that first one with the leg sticking up the back of the couch! Think I can beat it though... I have a picture of my little sister when she was about four... the top half of her body is lying on the floor, arms spread out, and her legs are raised and resting on the seat of a chair. Like, HOW did that happen?!