Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buffy is Dead.

Yes, Buffy saved the world a lot.  But sadly, my Buffy did not.  She died only 2 years after I took her out of the box, all shiny and new, full of promises for a brilliant manuscript.  She was a lovely laptop.  Very hot headed and stubborn, but she got me through 2 years of writing my first book.  Her ego is a little banged up, as well as her exterior.  But she was faithful.  Even during her temper tantrums of completely going black for no reason, she still saved my most important baby: my manuscript.  She will be missed, but it really is for the good of humanity that she actually kicked the bucket.  Because I was about 10 minutes away from killing her myself.  But I totally loved her, I really did.  Honest.

So now it's time for another hopefully more faithful and more powerful laptop to make her appearance:

Meet Buffybot, my new Macbook Pro. (if you are unfamiliar with the Buffy series, the Buffybot is a Robot Buffy that was made for Spike during season 5.  Yeah, you just gotta watch it)

Yes folks, I woke up Monday morning to a bright and shiny new Macbook Pro sitting on my desk.  I think Hubsters was sick of hearing me whine about my laptop.  He was actually probably ready to shove 'ol Buffy down my throat.

And OMIGOSH I love it.  But I have NO CLUE how to work it.  I couldn't even figure out how to maximize my safari screen.  But after hubs fiddled with it, we figured it out (you have to actually drag the box from the bottom corner to make it bigger- how cool is that?) (and OMG, she's SO quiet! She doesn't sound like a jet engine taking off like Buffy did!)

Anyway.  I need tips, tricks-of-the-trade and any cool info you can give me about my new Macbook!  All you mac lovers out there, please throw me a bone because I'm SO clueless.

And I totally need to apologize for being non-existent on blogs this week.  I am working more than usual because of the snow days we had, and I'm playing with my new computer!  I'll try to get caught up this week!

AND I want to say a big HELLO! to all my new followers!  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the drivel!


Candyland said...

Yay for Buffybot!

Colene Murphy said...

Hurray for hubs and new Macs!!! Buffybot is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

DL Hammons said...

How weird is it that I had a dream about Buffy last night. The pieces I can remember had something to do with a re-kindling of the series. The odd part was, IT SUCKED! :(

But I'm sure your new Buffybot ROCKS!!! :)

Melissa said...

WOOHOOO!!! Your macbook pro looks SO GOOD!

Okay! Seriously, I am so disenchanted with windows right now! I've only had mine for a year and a half and it is being SUCH a failure!! When I get a new laptop, I am just buying a mac....

Unknown said...

Great, welcome to the Apple Community. Soon you will want nothing else but Apple products if I believe my PR friends.

Tip: You can maximize and minimize by using two finger on the touchpad and sliding them apart. Also, two finger together will scroll down pages.
Nahno ∗ McLein

Carol Riggs said...

Haha, clever post. Good luck using your new Buffybot! Yay you! (and hubby LOL) I have no idea how to use one, so I defer to the Mac users in the blogosphere.

Donea Lee said...

I love that shiny little apple! I don't know, I might have to go get me a Buffybot of my own. (so, with that you'll know I have no tips for you...sorry!) Hopefully demon bikers don't come to tear yours apart ~ :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, I'm a PC guy! But if you'd woken up to a new iPad, I could help you.

Unknown said...

Yay for Buffybot!!! I'm still a PC gal. I promised myself I would not get a Mac until I was going to become a published author and sell my first book. No, I don't plan on making a boat load but I do plan on celebrating like I will be!

Enjoy your Mac and when the time comes around I'll be the one asking you questions :)

Kindros said...

I don't know a thing about macs, sorry. Grats on the new compy though.

Michael Di Gesu said...


YOU WILL SO LOVE IT! Once you learn how to use it. Pages is a pain at first, but once you learn it, you won't have a problem. I hope you bought the year of classes for 99.00. it is so worth it!

IF you get stuck with anything feel free to email me....


Liz P said...

Once I went Apple I never looked back. :) I use my MacBook every day and never tire of it.

It does take awhile to get used to, coming off of Windows, but just take it slow and explore the programs, the settings. My biggest adjustment was with Pages. But you can get Word for Mac if you find Pages less than to your liking.

Take advantage of the trackpad settings (e.g. 4-finger down-swipe cascades your windows to quickly select another window). Also, check out the Spaces feature...

Have fun!

Jennie Bailey said...

Congrats on Buffybot! I'm super excited for you. I've been talking it up to The Hubster all week!!

Meredith said...

Aww, poor Spike! I forgot about Buffybot. Your Buffybot is adorable!

Unknown said...

It's wrong of me to feel so jealous! LOL! You have my dream laptop. WHEN I get one, I'm hitting you up to share all the awesome tips you have by then!

Enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

Awh how fab of your hubster! My hubby does great things like that for me, too. I used a Mac at college eight years ago, though I use PC's all the rest of the time. Good luck learning how to use it. :O)

Michelle Merrill said...

Awesome! What a great hubster :)I don't know much about mac's, but I love that you name your computer. Have fun with the new Buffybot!

Regina said...

In death there is rebirth. I am glad that you got something to help console you in your mourning over Buffy. I can't believe that mine is still kicking and it is two years old too. I will keep my fingers crossed because I don't think my Murphy will get me a new one. Hope Buffybot helps get you through your tough times and more manuscripts will be born!! Best wishes.

Lisa Galek said...

Best surprise ever! I just switched the Mac last year and I love it. The one thing that annoyed me was not being able to open new windows on the Internet, but you just have to press the Command key and then click on the link you want to open. Once you get cruising with the Mac, you'll never go back!